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Functional Characteristics of DIGIHUB



DIGIHUB includes a harvester that automatically queries OAI repositories periodically and stores records in multiple formats, in particular OAI_DC, MARC21, DIDL, ESE 3.4, EDM 5.2.8, LIDO 1.0, EAD3, EAC-CPF, etc.

Harvesting of thumbnails: it allows to generate a miniature image of the collected records, which will be shown as a representative image of them.

OAI-PMH repository

DIGIHUB includes a repository with all records harvested, which allows for their later addition to different national and international projects. It enables configuration and parametrisation by the administrator, allowing for the configuration of data access to the repository and the creation and management of sets that facilitate selective harvesting of records.

Directory of digital collections

DIGIHUB includes a directory of participating digital collections which, in addition to providing basic information about the digital collection, such as the name or the organisation in charge, allows users to see the data in the repository linked to the digital collection, such as the URL for the collection, the URL for the repository, the subset of data to be harvested or the history of the last operations performed.

It also includes a search form for recorded digital collections, allowing specific collections to be found.

Query module

DIGIHUB includes a simple search form and an advanced search form, which allow users to find records harvested. While simple searches allow users to search using any field (title, author, subject, description, date and digital collection), advanced search allows for the use of a combination of Boolean expressions.

DIGIHUB includes a display system for records that allows for the correct display of the records retrieved in searches. This system allows users to sort results by title, author, source and relevance.

Furthermore, search results may be limited by using features included in the system, which allow users to filter the results obtained according to the supported metadata schema and the digital collection supplying the records.

Display of records includes, at a minimum, the possibility of displaying records in Sheet format and in oai_dc format, also including the possibility of displaying records in the formats supported by the digital collection that added the support record.

Exporting records

DIGIHUB allows users to export records in the original format these were harvested in.

Administration area

DIGIHUB includes an administration area that allows for the registration of digital collections, repositories and programming for subsequent harvesting. The administrator will also have the possibility of exercising complete control over the collections administered, displaying the records harvested and pending changes.


DIGIHUB includes a section with new contributions that displays the latest digital collections recorded.


DIGIHUB includes an SRU server (Search/Retrieve via URL) that defines a standard way to perform searches and retrieve results from library catalogues through the Internet.

Semantic enrichment

DIGIHUB uses Linked Open Data. It publishes structured and enriched data through linking resources from different sources. It automatically enriches records harvested so they can later be sent to Europeana.

Europeana API

DIGIHUB allows for the inclusion of the Europeana API so that searches performed using the search form are automatically and simultaneously performed in the Europeana website, providing results retrieved from both databases.