Functional Characteristics of DIGIBIB
DIGIBIB has been implemented for traditional libraries and digital libraries. Here are its basic features and additional features.
Basic features
- Cataloguing of bibliographic records and copies using the MARC 21 Update 24 (may, 2017).
- Adapted to the new RDA cataloguing standard.
- Dynamic metadata generation: ISBD, RECORD, MARC ISO 2709, tagged MARC, MARC-XML, ONIX, DC RDF, Qualified DC, MODS 3.6, ESE 3.4* EDM 5.2.7*.
- Tool for batch processing of records.
- Quick editing of records for modification.
- Generation of lists and statistics.
- Generation of bibliographies.
- Direct linking to the OAI-PMH* repository, allowing for dynamic updating of the repository from the cataloguing module and avoiding duplicate data entry.
* Available by subscribing to additional modules.
- Cataloguing of authority records using the MARC 21 Update 24 (may, 2017).
- Adapted to the new RDA cataloguing standard.
- Dynamic metadata generation for authorities: RECORD, MARC ISO 2709, tagged MARC, MARC-XML, GARR, Thesaurus, MADS, EDM 5.2.7*, ISAAR (CPF)*, EAC-CPF*.
- Access to information through multilingual authorities (VIAF model)
- Association of invalid authorities to authority records.
- Batch substitution of authority records, automatically updating the bibliographic record with the valid authority record.
* Available by subscribing to additional modules.
- Integrated management of loans and circulation from a single screen.
- Full flexibility in the management of all parameters.
- Management of loan conditions and access to rooms, items, item types and users.
- Email messaging.
- Automatic generation of barcodes with dynamic assignment to copies.
- Instant notification in the Circulation Module for requests submitted on the website.
- RFID-ready.
- Integrated management of the selection, acquisition, pre-cataloguing and reception cycle.
- Importation of ONIX records.
- Email message sending for complaints, requests, etc.
Management of images and digital objects
- This module is fully integrated in the cataloguing process.
- Management of digital multimedia objects linked to MARC records.
- Multi-page image viewer. Plug-in management.
- Image viewer for periodicals at different levels of enumeration and chronology.
- Image display tools
- FLV video and audio player.
- Possibility to include the viewer of a work in an external website.
- Integration of the QR code into the frame that displays persistent links.
- Importation of bibliographic, issue and authority records in ISO 2709 and MARCXML with automatic control of incidents at the field and sub-field levels.
- Exporting bibliographic and issue records in ISO 2709, Record, Tagged Marc, ISBD, Onix, MARCXML, Dublin Core RDF and Qualified Dublin Core.
- Exporting authorities in ISO 2709, Record, Tabbed Marc, GARR, Thesaurus, MARCXML, MADS, ISAAR(CPS)* and EAC-CPF*
- Import from a Z39.50 Client
* Available by subscribing to additional modules.
Z39.50 client
- It allows for the downloading of records and automatic integration into the database. It can use the following character sets: ISO 8859 Latin 1, MARC-8 (Ansel), MARC-8 (ISO 646 + 5426 + 6630) and Unicode UTF-8.
Management of periodicals
- Assistants for MARC 21 cataloguing of funds and location of periodicals according to the ANSI/NISO Z39.71 and ISO 10324:1997 standards.
- Issue management module.
- Hierarchical visualisation of issues allowing for the display of articles and images linked to the issue.
- Hierarchical presentation of periodical issues.
Reports and statistics. Google Analytics
- This provides statistics about the website and the effectiveness of the marketing plan.
- Access to the site search report generated by Google Analytics.
- It allows for the recording of each time a multimedia group is opened through the website.
MARC statistics
- It offers users a series of statistics obtained from records stored in the DIGIBIB cataloguing module or from an ISO2709 file that will be imported into the database.
Change auditing
- Web Tool that allows users to locate the latest modified records.
- It features a search interface to locate, using a date range, users or/and a control number, records, of any type, added, modified or deleted in the database.
Copyright management
- Generation of sentences informing about copyright conditions of the document displayed on the website through the cataloguing module.
OPAC Website (basic design)
- Accessibility for W3C WAI AA, WCAG 2.0.
- Simple and advanced search from the website form.
- Possibility to sort results by Title, Author, Date or Relevance
- Display of records in Lists sorted alphabetically using a specific field.
- Independent access to Periodicals library, allowing for the search and display of serial publications on the website.
- Search history.
- Unlimited record exports in all the aforementioned formats, in addition to MODS 3.6, BibTeX, SWAP, EDM 5.2.7* for bibliographics and EDM 5.2.7* for authorities. Exporting in METS v. 1.11 (wish descriptive metadata, file section and structural map) is done record-by-record.
- Generation of “subject clouds” and “facets” in the search results.
- Access to statistics on the records contained on the website
- Administration panel for the correct configuration of the website by the Website Administrator
- Adaptation of Cookies-Conset Policy using the Web according to European standards.
* Available by subscribing to additional modules.
Content manager
- It allows for the creation, editing, management and publication of static contents in the OPAC website.
- Ability to embed elements <iframe> to embed videos or allow third party content.
News and blog manager
- It allows for the inclusion of a “News” section and a “Blog” on the website, offering the possibility of giving a format and style to the articles included in both sections.
This module includes a “Content Manager”.
RSS feed aggregator
- It allows any RSS feed aggregator for the notification of Database updates.
My Library
- User registration in the library, without administrator intervention.
- Possibility that a registered user save search records on queries to the Library.
- Ability to create personal bibliographies: favorites list records, records with digital objects, etc.
- Consultation ongoing operations for the user, if the library has the Circulation module.
- Access to last viewed records.
Social network integration
- Social plug-in that allows the website to be integrated with social networks, where users will have the possibility of publishing comments on a certain work and making them public.
Multilingual Manager
- It allows for the translation of static content in the Digital Library, making it possible for the website to be viewable in different languages.
Public and private bibliography manager
- Management of lists of personal works for users authenticated in the OPAC website, allowing users to define lists of their favourite works in a fully individualised and private fashion. It also offers the possibility of managing “global lists” that will allow the library administrator to generate a public bibliography for its subsequent free consultation in the OPAC website.
Additional features
OAI-PMH repository
- Dynamic updating of the repository from the DIGIBIB cataloguing module.
- Configuration and parametrisation by the cataloguer, allowing for the configuration of data access to the repository and the creation and administration of sets.
- Records will be coded at least in unqualified Dublin Code and, optionally in ESE 3.4* and EDM 5.2.7*
- It allows for data harvesting by aggregators such as Hispana, Europeana and OAIster
[See DIGIOAI features]
OAI-PMH repository for authorities
- It allows for the possibility of configuring and managing an authority OAI-PMH module that is harvestable and visible from the website, dynamically updated from the DIGIBIB cataloguing module.
[See DIGIOAI features]
Europeana Data Model. Linked Data Support
- Repository adaptation to the Europeana Data Model 5.2.7 (update based on Europeana recommendations).
- It includes basic Linked Open Data support: mapping subjects to SKOS, RDF publication and Cool URIs.
- Creation of persistent URLs for authorities and bibliographic personnel.
- It includes the recognition and highlighted display of links to Linked Open Data stemming from sources such as VIAF, DBpedia, Subject Heading List, Worldcat, Library of Congress Linked Data Service, Rameau, Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, GeoLinked Data, GeoNames,
Semantic enrichment. Advanced authority import
- Automatic linking of subject records using the terms in the Subject Heading List for Public Libraries in SKOS.
Europeana and DPLA OpenSearch API
- It allows for a search performed in a DIGIBIB catalogue to be performed simultaneously and automatically in the Europeana and DPLA websites, providing results retrieved from both databases.
- MARC 21 and extended Dublin Core (Bath profile) formats
- CQL (Commun Query Language)
- SOAP supported
- Along with standard formats, other proprietary XML formats and a series of additional web services are provided. These allow users to obtain information about bibliographic records (including periodicals) in a digital library. The set of both is called Digibib API, which may prove useful to draft external statistics and/or in the development of applications or interfaces using information extracted from any DIGIBIB Digital Library. A usage example would be the development of a mobile application for the Digital Library.
Microsite manager (bibliographic records)
- It allows for independent management of a subset of records within the digital library, which will have its own menu, search form, image header and other elements differentiating it from the Digital Library that includes it.
- Possibility to include a record in several microsites.
- Microsites will be able to have a specific section for periodicals, location lists and other DIGIBIB modules such as the RSS feed aggregator and the OAI repository.
Microsites manager (authority records)
- Setting up a microsite from authority records.
- It allows to highlight an author or group of authors, forming Author Libraries, through which to present the life and work of the authors present in the Digital Library.
- Allows the generation of lists of authorities (persons, entities, conferences and titles) generated from the authorities belonging to the microsite.
- Allows filtering authorities in relation with associated materials, gender or affiliation, so that only those authorities pertaining to microsite and sharing those values are recovered.
- It offers the possibility to create a carousel of images that represent the most outstanding works
Unicode support
- Adapting all the features of cataloging module and Web User Interface for managing all types of records in UNICODE, both from the client program or from the Web.
- Full support of Unicode character set version 7 in cataloging bibliographic records (issues and authorities).
- Adaptation of standardization processes and automatic generation of authorities to support standardization NACO guidelines.
- Management of fields 880 with text into additional character sets. It includes presentation of the fields 880 with those listed in the display as File format and ISBD format, generating the necessary HTML code to correctly display the texts with reading from right to left.
- Importing UNICODE data to make Z39.50 search in servers to return this character set.
- New version of search engine that allows you to index and search Unicode characters.
- Modification of the DIGIBIB indexing process and consultation to index and search text UNICODE texts.
Advanced viewers
- High-resolution display that allows viewing of large images (large tables, maps, etc.) without loss of quality and can be applied on them high levels of zoom.
- 360º viewer: displays a group of images simulating a rotation around the horizontal axis or the vertical axis, using controls that allow charging the previous and next image to scroll left and right around the object.
- Three-dimensional viewer that allow you to display three-dimensional digital objects, so that the user can explore it from any position by simple rotation options, scroll and zoom control, without leaving the browser. This requires having a three-dimensional model of the objects, which can be in Wavefront OBJ format (with possibility of including textures) or STL (not including textures).
Section Navigation
- Visual and multimedia presentation of the sections on the Web, enabling a menu item that accesses a page where each section with an associated image is presented.
- Allows quick access and with a single click to the records grouped in the section.
- Hierarchical navigation between sections. From the main sections the user can access to dependent sections and thus access to their records.
Archival information support
- It allows for the joint management of bibliographic and archival information form a single tool.
- It allows for the management of archival descriptions in the ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF) formats, as well as their conversion into EAD and EAC.
- It allows for the joint management of authority records, transforming MARC 21 authority records into EAC and allowing for visualisation in ISAAR(CPF).
- It allows for the management of linked digital objects at different descriptive levels.
- It features an OAI repository that is dynamically updated from the archival database according to the OAI_DC and EAC schemas.
[See DIGIARCH WEB features]
METS Importer
- Import of METS v. 1.11 files, facilitating batch integration of metadata into the DIGIBIB cataloguing module.
- It allows for the import of METS files that comply with the Model Paged Text Object Profile used for manuscripts and printed materials based on materials published in a paginated format and with the Profile for Historical Newspapers for periodicals.
METS exporter
- METS v.1.11 exporting with descriptive metadata, archive section, structural map that comply with the Model Paged Text Object Profile used for manuscripts and printed materials based on materials issued in a paginated format and with the Profile for Historical Newspapers for periodicals.
- It includes advanced options that allow for modifications on the METS that will be exported: Adding the company that created the file, applying an XSL file with instructions to modify the METS, modifying the descriptive metadata contained in the METS and excluding METS files with a certain type of multimedia object from the export.
MARC changes
- Batch modification of a group of records in the database catalogued using MARC 21.
- It allows for the creation and/or deletion of fields and sub-fields, substituting data, assigning fields, etc.
Update management
- Subscription to email updates. Users can request to be sent an email with new items added to the catalogue in a set period of time. It will include the possibility of receiving updates once a month (it is possible to select the date), once a week (it is possible to select the day) or free frequency (every set number of days).